Yes I'm still alive but still fcked up because the concussion lasted 4 months & about a week before that, I got pneumonia, that's not responding to meds. Getting 2nd med for it tomorrow so wish me luck. Swear never had a more isolated screwed up year as started 2/28/15 until now & still going.
Photo shows how swollen my ankle still is after nearly a year due to #RSD #crpsTypeII so looking forward to starting physical therapy from scratch starting mid-Feb. Hope they can do some miracles again as foot is completely locked up from 4+ months away from PT so I have not done any filming or photography :(
Now getting on waiting list for Saratoga County handicap 1st floor small apt, might be awhile & I'm on another list for help with moving that will be under a year. We'll see what happens next!
Still haven't been on laptop or online much so just wanted to post an I'm alive & almost kicking. :)